Jorge Guzman
Gantcher Associate Professor of Business
Columbia University
Affiliations: NBER, J-PAL
(all co-authorships are listed alphabetically)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. High-Skilled Immigration Enhances Regional Entrepreneurship.
Tareque,I, J Guzman, and D Wang. 2024.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Forthcoming. (link)
2. Partisan Entrepreneurship
Engelberg, J, J Guzman, R Liu, and W Mullins. 2024.
Journal of Finance. Conditionally Accepted. (link)
3. Entrepreneurial Migration.
Bryan, K, and J Guzman. 2023.
The Review of Economics and Statistics. Forthcoming. (link)
4. Go West Young Firm: The Impact of Startup Migration on the Performance of Migrants
Guzman, J. 2023.
Management Science. Published in Advance Online. (link)
5. The Direct Effect of Corporate Law on Entrepreneurship
Guzman, J. 2023.
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organizations. September, 2023. (link)
6. Climate Change Framing and Innovator Attention: Evidence from an Email Field Experiment
Guzman, J, J Oh, and A Sen. 2023.
Proceedings National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 120 (3): 1-8. (link)
7. What is the U.S. Comparative Advantage in Entrepreneurship? Evidence from Israeli Migrations
to the United States.
Conti, A, and J Guzman. 2023.
The Review of Economics and Statistics. 105 (3): 528-544. (link)
8. Measuring Founding Strategy
Guzman, J, and A Li. 2023.
Management Science. 69 (1): 101-18. (link) (appendix)
9. The Startup Cartography Project: Measuring and Mapping Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.
Andrews, RJ, C Fazio, Y Liu, J Guzman, and S Stern. 2022.
Research Policy. 51 (2). (link)
10. What Motivates Innovative Entrepreneurs? Evidence from a Global Field Experiment.
Guzman, J, J Oh and A Sen. 2020.
Management Science. 66 (10): 4808-19. (link)
11. The Impact of State-Level R&D Tax Credits on the Quantity and Quality of Entrepreneurship
Fazio, C, J Guzman and S Stern. 2020.
Economic Development Quarterly. 34(2):188-208. (link)
12. The State of American Entrepreneurship? New Estimates of the Quantity and Quality of Entrepreneurship
for 32 US States, 1988-2014
Guzman, J and S Stern. 2020.
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 12 (4): 212-43 (link)
13. Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship.
Guzman, J and A Kacperczyk. 2019.
Research Policy. 48 (9): 1666-1680. (link)
14. Where is Silicon Valley?
Guzman, J and S Stern. 2015. Science. 347(6222): 606-609 (link)
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
15. Discussion of Decker, Ryan, and John Haltiwanger. ‘Surging Business Formation in the Pandemic:
Causes and Consequences?’
Guzman, J. 2023
Brookings Papers of Economic Activity. Fall, 2023.
16. Accelerating Innovation Ecosystems: The Promise and Challenges of Regional Innovation Engine
Guzman, J, F Murray, S Stern, and H Williams. 2023.
NBER Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy and the Economy, Vol. 3 (link) (3-page summary)
17. Refugee Entrepreneurship: The Case of Venezuelans in Colombia
Bahar, D, B Cowgill, and J Guzman. 2023.
American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings 133: 352-56 (link)
18. Nowcasting and Placecasting Entrepreneurial Quality and Performance.
Guzman, J and S Stern. 2017.
in NBER Volume on Measuring Entrepreneurial Businesses: Current Knowledge and Challenges. (link)
19. A New View of the Skew: A Quantitative Assessment of the Quality of American Entrepreneurship.
Fazio, C, J Guzman, F Murray and S Stern. 2016.
MIT Innovation Initiative Laboratory for Innovation Science and Policy. Policy Report
Working Papers
Revise & Resubmit
20. The Compositions and Dynamics of Technology-Enabled Entrepreneurship
Colaiacovo, I, D Gross, and J Guzman. 2023.
Revise & Resubmit at Strategic Management Journal. (link)
Working Papers
21. How is COVID Changing the Geography of Entrepreneurship? Evidence from the Startup Cartography Project
Fazio, C, J Guzman, Y Liu, and S Stern. 2021. (link)
22. Treatment Effects in Strategic Management
Guzman, J. 2021. (link)
23. Legalizing Entrepreneurship
Bahar, Dany, Bo Cowgill, and Jorge Guzman. 2022. (link)
24. Incentivizing Innovation in Open Source: Evidence from the GitHub Sponsors Program
Conti, Annamaria, Vansh Gupta, Jorge Guzman, and Maria Roche. 2023. (link)
25. Third Places and Neighborhood Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Starbucks Cafés
Choi, Jinkyong, Jorge Guzman, and Mario Small. 2023. (link)
Inactive Working Papers
26. Passive Versus Active Growth: Evidence from Founder Choices and Venture Capital Investment.
Catalini, C, J Guzman and S Stern. 2019. (link)
27. Short Term Credit Costs and U.S. Entrepreneurship.
Guzman, J, and Y Liu. 2020. (link)
28. Herding in the Market for Startup Acquisitions.
Conti, A, J Guzman, and R Rabi. 2020. (link)
The Startup Cartography Project
joint with RJ Andrews, Catherine Fazio, Yupeng Liu, and Scott Stern.

Project Description
This project leverages population-level business registration records and predictive analytics to form novel measures of entrepreneurial quantity, quality and performance at an arbitrary level of geographic and temporal granularity. The purpose of this website is to provide a public access interactive website, data repository, and research archive that makes this work accessible to researchers, public and private sector analysts, and the public. The website tools are designed to facilitate detailed visualization of entrepreneurial ecosystems (at multiple levels of visualization), track entrepreneurial dynamics over time, and provide data that might be applicable to a wide range of research and policy purposes.
Visit us at: https://www.startupcartography.com/